Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Aspiring Quilter Diaries

I am in love with jelly rolls.

The strips of gorgeous fabrics cut and rolled into one magnificent bundle, then given the appropriately delicious name: jelly roll. Mmmmmm. Nom nom nom nom.

Being new at quilting, the jelly roll is especially attractive because most of the cutting and fabric-matching has already been done for you - making a quilting project much less daunting. After muchos browsing, I ended up buying Pam and Nicky Lintott's Jelly Roll Quilts. The book teaches you how to make at least sixteen different quilts. The instructions are simple and easy-to-follow, so no matter how complicated a quilt looks, I can still imagine myself making it.

So...I decided on making the Spiral Stripes Quilt from Jelly Roll Quilts, using a jelly roll from Moda's Gypsy Rose line of fabrics. And this is where I made a stupid mistake while buying my "jelly roll" from an Ebay seller. This mistake resulted in a fair amount of disappointment and frustration, and I am certainly put in my place as a new (and gullible) quilter. However, I did learn a lesson, and maybe will share this lesson in the next diary entry (when the bitterness and embarassment subsides).

Despite this hiccup, I am still in love with jelly rolls, and I am still an aspiring quilter. *cue Scarlett O'Hara fist-shake*

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