Finished the Purple Flu-Scarf last night while watching Dexter. It's a little bit short...but I ran out of yarn, and thought I could use a really short scarf. I have zillions of huuuuuuuge and chunky scarves that go down to my knees. Yes, I like to be warm, but I do admit you'll sometimes see the scarf before you see's a little bit ridiculous. I imagine myself on one of those make over shows and the hosts/fashion divas are throwing my big scarves in the bin while shaming me for wearing them.
Here is the scarf:

It's not blocked yet, but I'm going to wear it today, anyway. The brooch is there to keep it in place, since it is so short and because I love pairing scarves with big, costume-y brooches!
Ouu that is a cute idea! I need to find me some pretty brooches like that. I love the color of that yarn as well, I was looking for something like that but I ended up settling for some other color combo that I'm not so sure about...